On emotional calibration

Emotions are hard. I bet it sometimes happens to you that you find yourself not wanting to have an emotion you are experiencing at the moment. Emotional calibration can help you with that. Human emotions are attractor states that modulate our cognition. What I mean by that is that for example when you are angry… Continue reading On emotional calibration

On learning, generalized path-finding, and novelty

I see current education system as one of the biggest missed opportunities of the present day. Historically, it was important that people stored knowledge in their heads, because information sources were rare. One’s work was mostly composed of applying knowledge they absorbed at school / during job training. Today, information is abundant. Work is mostly… Continue reading On learning, generalized path-finding, and novelty

Play the cards you have

Sometimes we tend to think that for achieving extraordinary things we need to take extraordinary actions. Like extraordinary amount of hard work, or doing things much faster than is usual. This doesn’t seem to me to be the optimal approach. How I think extraordinary things happen is that you need to have an intention –… Continue reading Play the cards you have

Mechanistic interpretation of karma

There are approximately three ways how your thinking affects your experience: Mainstream interpretation of karma is via 1) – If you do bad stuff, the world will eventually push back. My take is that this may often be the case, but it’s more of a social dynamics than a physical law that the world operates… Continue reading Mechanistic interpretation of karma